16 Years ago, we bought our Dreamhouse, a Log House, looking at it, you would have thought it was finished, its not ,but it is getting closer, this is our story, and of the things that have came our way ,as we go along .

Monday, April 25, 2011

" Camden "

This is my " Best Friend , my grandson, " Camden ", he's one of four.  Two year's ago he had to have tube's put in his ear's, because he kept ear infection's.   They were suppose to fall out all by themself's, as he grew.   A couple of week's ago he started having blood in his ear's.  Well a visit to the " Doctor ", the " ENT "showed  one ear they cant see  very well, because of the amount of blood down in the ear, and the other, they can see that the " Skin ", has " Grown ", over the " Tube ".    So " Yes ", you have guessed it, he will be having " SURGERY ", this coming " Wednesday ", he was only " two " , when he had them put in, he's now "  four ".   Please " EVERYONE ", out there, keep him in your " PRAYER'S ", I know it's only one day " Surgery ", but he will have to be put to " Sleep ", and that make's me " Nervous ".     ( he's holding " Dallas ", and  " Daisy ", is on the ground. )

" The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,  The  leopard shall lie down with the young goat,  The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;  " AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM. "                                                                                                                Isaiah 11;6.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

" Cupcakes "

" Are these to cute are  What ". " Cupcake Holder's ", one's a , " Goat ", one's a " Chicken ", and one's a " Horse " , they come 50 to a pack, I found them at " Michael's ", and guess what they were only"  .99 cent's ", a pack.
And guess  what else , " Matching Napkin's, I could only find the " Chicken ".
                      And then I seen these, " Matching Notecard's, but I could'nt  find the " Horse ". Now I just need to make some " Cupcake's "  , maybe " Coconut ", with  " Coconut cream cheese icing " , piled up high, then I just need someone I could send some to with a " Note".                                                                                  

Saturday, April 16, 2011

" My Girl, My Girl "

These are the first " Girl's ", that I ever got clockwise they are " Kiley ", " Kayla ", and " Katie Anne ", three sister's, they are"  Nigerian Dwarf Milking Goat's ".  And they are very close, almost always together.   The day they got moved from the area we had them, to there now barn, you would have thought we were killing somebody, we could only move one at a time, and every time we moved one, the other's would scream until they were all three together.             

Monday, April 11, 2011

" My Chicken's "

This is " Miss Olive ", she just turned a year old, well all of them did, all"  28."  " 26 ",, of them are "Hen's, "and then there's , " Cotton ", and " Pickle's " ., the two" Rooster's",  I let my grandson pick them out on " Good Friday ", of last year, we got them from our local Co-Op.  " Miss Olive ", her name came from " Dr. Quin, Medicine Woman", then there's,  " Majorie ", and " Rebecca ", they were " Dr. Quin's sister's, some of the other girl's are named after girl's in his daycare class, there's " Liza ", and " Oliva ", and " Victoria ", there all " Easter Egger's ", they had a special treat on there"  Birthday" , besides us singing " Happy Birthday ",to them they got there favorite thing " Oatmeal ", with"  apple"s,"  and "  banana's".